How To Do Site Search Definiton – Tips for Website Owners

How To Do Site Search Definiton – Tips for Website Owners

Search engines are used by most people on an almost daily basis. Providing search engine capability to your website can be one of the most effective web marketing strategies. In this post, we’ll give you a guide so you can start leveraging site search right away.

Site Search Overview


Site search is a functionality that allows your users to search and find content on your website quickly and efficiently. While it’s similar to a regular search engine, it is exclusive to your site and works by indexing it constantly. This makes it more than just a browsing feature as it enhances the user experience by enabling visitors to locate the type of content they are looking for seamlessly.

What does this feature look like? You can find it by looking at the search box and magnifying glass on a webpage.

Why Makes it a Valuable Feature?

Searching to locate relevant content or information amongst the vast amount of data across the web is an integral part of how we use the internet. We all do it almost unconsciously every time we try to locate a specific song, YouTube video, or article at some point throughout the day. Consequently, visitors automatically expect a similar browsing experience when they come to your site.

In a way, search provides a quick conversation between your site and your visitor. The visitor “asks a question” by typing a query, and the website provides an “answer” with a set of results.

And while search bars are essential to ensure a good user experience, a well-designed search feature is considered one of the principal elements of a great UI. As you can see in this example below, search is an integral part of the user experience of


It’s also worth noting the importance of visibility; the search bar should be easily located for your website visitors to use. It’s considered best to place the search bar either at the top right corner or the top and center of the web page.

Site Search Statistics

Due to the time-saving and efficient capabilities of search solutions, the search market is growing steadily and is expected to reach $8.9 billion by 2024. Here are some statistics that demonstrate this: 

  1. 30% of visitors use a site search box if there is one on the site.
  2. Visitors who use the site search box are recognized as high-intent users since they actively seek out the object of their query.
  3. Websites with site search produce 1.8 times more conversions than websites without site search. For example, a study showed that websites with search converted at a 4.63% rate, compared to the 2.77% of average website conversion.
  4. The percentage of visitors that use the site search represents 45% of all conversions. Users that use site search are more likely to make a purchase because they are actively seeking to do so.
  5. Most Consumers, 84% of internet users, turn to a search function or engine to solve a problem. So, by including a search feature on your site, you are helping your users by enabling them to solve problems.
  6. Search is so important for customers that 68% won’t return to a site if they had a poor search experience.

Ads in Site Search

Search advertising is a marketing method that involves placing ads on search engine results pages. You can add a search engine box to your site that will display ads alongside search results from your site. Some ad networks offer this possibility, such as Google AdSense.

Companies pay to place ads in your website’s search results in a pay-per-click advertising model. Search advertising operates under a real-time bidding system. Advertisers bid on specific keywords, and the ad network platform selects the best ad for each user query. 

This model works well when ads are relevant to your user’s search. That’s where contextual advertising comes in.

A platform like CodeFuel leverages search ads that are contextually relevant to what your users are looking for and to the context of your website. 

Get in touch to learn more about CodeFuel search monetization options.

4 Ways Site Search can Benefit your Business

Boost Competitive Advantage

Implementing site search can give you a competitive advantage by setting yourself apart from other businesses since this feature is often overlooked, and only a tiny percentage of companies invest in it.

Gain a Better Understanding of Customer Behavior

Every time visitors use your on-site search, they leave data about their intent. So by tracking and analyzing on-site searches, you gain valuable data and insights about your consumers. For example, analyzing the data can reveal what your customers want from your website; you can implement these insights towards improving your website and product/services.

Elevate Customer Experience

Site-search provides your visitors with an efficient way to locate relevant content and information, delivering a great user experience. While you can have excellent content on your site, you won’t reap its benefits if users can’t navigate it easily. Enabling your visitors to find what they are looking for with a few clicks ensures they stick around on your website longer. Additionally, by enhancing the experience with search ads, they are also likely to return!

Increased ROI

When visitors find what they want quickly and have a positive user experience, they are more likely to make a purchase, leading to more revenue for you. Additionally, visitors who use on-site search convert more than visitors who don’t and tend to keep coming back to the website.

What Websites Can Benefit the most from On-Site Search?

Saas Companies

Software-as-a-Service companies that include a search capability improve their user experience. Customers can then search through their data, check the documentation, and find what they need. Because of the highly competitive environment for SaaS companies, offering a better user experience is crucial to gain a competitive advantage.


Content within media sites is dynamic and constantly expanding. As a result, it is common for visitors to browse to find the content they are looking for or interested in. Site search can be an invaluable tool to help your visitors quickly and efficiently locate content. Moreover, the functionality can direct them to more relevant topics of interest, increasing the amount of time they stick around on the site.


When users know what they are looking for, they want to resolve it quickly. So instead of making them navigate through several menu tabs, give them a quick way to find what they want. When you help them search, find and purchase efficiently and in the least amount of time, you undeniably see an increase in ROI.

What industries do benefit the most from site search? According to a study, healthcare, transportation, hospitality, insurance, technology, and retail saw the highest growth in customer queries and search results in 2019. 

What are the next trends for site search for 2022? 

  • Voice search

With the steep increase in the popularity of voice assistants, it is expected that voice search will continue to grow. A study by OC&C projects voice-assisted purchases may reach $40 billion by the end of 2022 in the U.S. 

  •  Personalization in search

As websites serve different end-users, it’s proving increasingly important to personalize their experiences. Enhancing the search with contextual, relevant ads can achieve this. Personalized recommendations, for example, make the experience more intuitive.

Suggested content from Amazon

Top Ecommerce Site Search Solutions

Ecommerce Site Search Software helps sellers and retailers by offering a better experience for consumers. Consumers can find what they need quickly by using the search functionality. E-commerce software provides product recommendations, improves engagement, and helps reduce cart abandonment. We collected a list of the most popular software:

  • CodeFuel

CodeFuel is a powerful, customizable, and efficient monetization platform that helps you leverage search ads and enhance your user experience with on-site search. Using machine learning and advanced analytics, our all-in-one solution maximizes the yield for publishers.

  • Algolia

It is an API platform that provides site search and content discovery. The platform specializes in delivering content to users in the fastest way possible.

  • Searchspring

Automates and simplifies e-commerce processes from site search to merchandising. Searchspring provides solutions for e-commerce businesses like analytics, reporting, and site search boxes.

  • Swiftype

It is a cloud-based site search platform. Swiftype aims to deliver tailored search experiences to customers, focusing on relevance and analytics.

How to Choose the Right Site Search Solution

Many site search platforms are available, and their features and pricing vary. We recommend considering which one offers the better search experience is just one of the features, and if you want to ramp up your revenue, it is essential to choose a solution that can also leverage search ads.

Here are some additional features worth considering: 

  • Analytics

To maximize site search benefits, you should choose a platform that can provide you with robust analytics capabilities. This feature can help you track and analyze user search behavior and, as a result, better understand your consumers.

  • Functionality

Site search should work quickly and accurately. That means delivering results even when the visitor writes a typo. An autocomplete feature can also simplify the search. 

  • Customization

The best solutions should enable you to include different visitor profiles in your site search to deliver a more personalized experience. 

  • Reliability

The search feature should operate smoothly without a hitch. It would be best to choose a solution that runs on reliable infrastructure.

How On-Site Search can Boost SEO?

The paradox of good SEO implies that the more content your site has, the harder it is to sift through and locate specific articles or content. So, however good the site navigation is, there comes the point where it is a hassle for visitors to try to find what they are looking for.

A functional search box that delivers fast and accurate results can help your users find the right content on your site and raise your SEO ranking.

Best practices to ensure the on-site search boosts your SEO ranking:

  1. The search box is visible on all relevant pages.
  2. The search box provides autocomplete & predictive search suggestions based on the query.
  3. The search box is keyboard-friendly.
  4. Search result pages save searches.
  5. The search box doesn’t return an empty search results page. Instead, it suggests similar content, products, or services.

How Codefuel Site Search will Enhance your Visitors’ Experience

CodeFuel offers an enhanced user experience and monetization. While monetization may not be the first thing you associate with site search, if you want to make the most of your search box, it is something you should consider.

CodeFuel Site Search provides fast and accurate results, together with highly targeted search ads to improve your visitor’s search experience. Our site search solutions are optimized to boost revenue and your media campaign flexibility.

What Is Content Monetization? A Guide for Website Owners

What Is Content Monetization? A Guide for Website Owners

Creating great content for your website can produce more than high SEO rankings. Content monetization allows you to leverage your content so when the user consumes it, you get paid. There are several ways you can use to make your content produce revenue. You can be paid directly by the user or a third party.

In this article, we will cover these methods and break down how you can use them. We’ll also cover the examples of monetization platforms like Facebook and YouTube.

How does Content Monetization Works?

Surely you have heard of content marketing. Content monetization is the other side of content marketing. Content marketing focuses on creating valuable content to acquire more customers, while content monetization, on the other hand, has the goal of profiting from them. It gives publishers and content creators the possibility of earning money from the content they create. So, monetization can give you a way to profit even if you are not selling your content.

How does it work? It will depend on the method you choose. Still, the basic premise is that every time the user or website visitor consumes content, performing an activity, for example, subscribing, clicking on an ad or affiliate link, you get paid.

But before starting to look into monetization methods, you should ask if content monetization is right for you.

Is your content worth monetizing?

Before starting to monetize your content, you should ensure you’re producing the best content for your audience.  After all, all monetization strategies require that you create high-quality content if you want it to work.

High-quality content can help to build the audience you require to generate a revenue stream with monetization. So what are the characteristics of fantastic content?

  1. Is unique: Your content should be original and different from other options available for your audience. The uniqueness will help you rank higher in search engines, give your audience more value and increase their engagement.
  2. Has high quality: The work should be impeccable, well researched, and without grammar or spelling mistakes.
  3. Is consistent: The best content in the world won’t help if it is not consistent. You should regularly engage with your audience. That way, they will know when to expect new content from you. And you’ll build a loyal audience of followers.

 Besides, when you want to start monetizing through a platform or ad network, you will have to meet some requirements to benefit from it. You should consider monetizing your content if you:

  • Are an expert in your niche.
  • Already have a content platform, blog, YouTube channel with a steady flow of followers.
  • Get a lot of engagement from your followers, and you see their numbers grow.
  • Can spend time working on improving your content.

8 ways to Monetize your Content

Whether you have a blog, a podcast, or you publish YouTube videos, you can use most of the following strategies to make money:

1. Sell exclusive rights

In this agreement, you relinquish all rights to the work. That includes copyright and royalties exchanging your content for money.

There are many ways to approach selling your content rights. For instance, freelancers and ghostwriters do it when producing content exclusively for a brand. Another option is producing the content first and then selling it as is (in a marketplace or to a publisher).

Regardless of what option you choose, the core is the same, you exchange your piece of content for money and give away all rights to the buyer.

Selling content is becoming a popular strategy, according to this HubSpot Infographic:

Content Monetization Infographic

2. Limited usage rights

This is also a broad category. Whether you produce the content for a buyer according to specifications or you sell a ready-made piece, you may choose to limit the usage rights to it.

You, as the content creator, may choose to allow the content to be used in print only, for example, or for non-commercial use. To put it simply, you offer a license for using your content. You can also allow your content to be redistributed.

Here you have an example of how an images company, VectorStock, manages the licensing for their illustrations.

License Content

This approach doesn’t work so well for written content because of the lack of originality. But, when you come to visual content, images, illustrations, or videos, there are many places that sell stock content with limited usage rights.

3. Affiliate sales

With this monetization method, you have an audience, a blog, or a website and are willing to promote other people’s products or services. Maybe monetizing your email newsletter by promoting a product via an affiliate link. You can also recommend items via product reviews to your blog readers.

In all cases, you include a trackable link. When a visitor clicks on the link or makes a purchase from it, you get paid.

How do you get into affiliate sales? There are marketplaces for affiliate marketing. You can also work directly with sellers.

There are many platforms and ways for affiliate marketing. If you want to know more about this monetization strategy, check our Monetization Guide for Beginners.

Want to read more? Learn How to Make Money With Google AdSense

4. Premium content

When you sell premium content your audience can access exclusive content they are not getting elsewhere.

This model has become popular in the last few years. Main publications like the Harvard Business Review and Entrepreneur give readers a limited number of free articles and then the paywall for premium content.

See, for instance, the HBR tiers:

User type   Text
Anonymous Free articles
Registered user (registration is free-of-charge articles sample
HBR Subscriber monetization subscriber

5. Subscriptions

If you have unique knowledge or are an expert in a subject, your audience may pay you to get regular access to that.

This method allows you to get a steady stream of revenue by offering more in-depth content on a subscription basis. Examples may include in-depth or specialized content. You can also offer regular content via a newsletter like e-books or guides that are available only for subscribers.

If you’re going the subscription or membership route, be creative and mix the type of content you offer your subscribers. A premium video series, for instance, or a webinar can be a good idea.

Or you can give members access to a range of content with the subscription. Examples of this are sports program memberships. You might offer a course or a library of assets that people can refer to as long as they are subscribed.

An example of this type of monetization is For $5 a month, you get unlimited access to all the content published on the platform.

medium for monetization

6. Monetize with ads

You can sell your audience to advertisers. That means you display advertisements on your blog or website, and every time a visitor clicks on the ad, you get paid.

monetize with ads

There are different ways to monetize with ads:

  1. You can use a monetization platform like CodeFuel. The platform serves ads based on user intent, ensuring maximum engagement. This has the advantage of simplifying monetization with ads.
  2. You can deal with advertisers yourself by selling ad space. Here you have several options on how to charge. You may charge a fixed rate or a rate per a thousand impressions (CPM)
  3. You can also monetize with an ad network like AdSense. The downside of these large ad networks is that they tend to be very general and not very suitable for niche companies. In addition, the pay is usually low.

Monetizing with ads is a good strategy for website owners, publishers, and bloggers. The catch? Your content needs to be popular and on target for your audience. If not, you may risk spending more in tactics to drive traffic than what you get in ad revenue.

Search & Traffic Monetization: How to Earn Money from Website Visits?

Search & Traffic Monetization: How to Earn Money from Website Visits?

There are many ways to make money from the internet. One of the most lucrative is turning traffic into money. Companies like Google make a lot of money by monetizing search. But what does search monetization mean? And how do you do it?

Search Monetization 101

Search monetization refers to a group of tools and techniques used to convert online traffic into producing revenue. 

Monetization is a term you hear everywhere these days. Everyone with an online business has the goal of producing money from that website, application, e-commerce site, or content.

All the efforts to convert visits, downloads, or clicks start from the premise of making money from traffic. “Monetizing traffic and search” sounds rather abstract, so let’s break it down by explaining what do we mean by traffic.

Traffic means potential customers.

Internet traffic consists of the online activities of people online. Search traffic means simply people like you and me querying search engines. When they are online looking for a product or service to solve a problem, they turn into potential customers.

Search monetization means providing users searching for a keyword with the right answer and making money from it.

The importance of search queries

One of the most effective ways to monetize traffic is by monetizing search. Users search for what they want, so every search query gives you an opportunity for monetization. For instance, if you have an in-site search box, every search can tell you about user’s needs, what they are looking for. You can then use this information to adjust your strategies and solve user’s needs.

If you have an application, you can add a search function and learn more about your user’s needs. This lets you adjust your app to meet users’ requirements.

Besides those benefits, you can actually make money from users’ searches.

How Do Websites Make Money from Traffic?

The most common way for a website to make money from the traffic that comes to it is via selling advertising space.  Search ads take a user already looking for a product and serve them relevant ads. When you put a search bar on your website, you help visitors find what they are looking for when clicking on the search ad, which results in revenue for the website.

How to Make Money From Website Traffic?

The secret: Give users what they want while getting paid on the way.

Let’s explain it with a well-known example. A user searching for “best pizza near me” in Google will get geo-targeted results (showing pizza places near the user’s location) and paid advertisements. These ads generate income for the search engine.

So, monetizing search implies giving users the best results for their queries and enhancing their search experience by including ads that complement their search.

The Search Advertising Market

Companies are spending more on search advertising than social media, video, and banner ads combined, according to the Statista Digital Market Outlook.

The greater part of Google’s advertising revenue comes from search ads, which are expected to reach $171.6 billion in 2021.

Advertising revenues

Source: Statista

Brands realize that investing in search can be profitable, so the spending in search ads increased from $142.98 billion in 2019 to $171.68 in 2021 and is expected to reach $211.4 by 2025. Of the total search ad investing, the bigger percentage is on mobile ads.

Ad spending statistics

How do you know which ads fit better your users’ search? By understanding the user intent.

What Exactly Is User Intent?

The term user or search intent means the reason behind a user’s query on a search engine. For instance, researching information, looking for a place, product, or service.

It may seem simple. In reality, discerning a user’s intent from a few words typed into a search box can be challenging.

Challenges of User Intent

Ambiguity: Humans are typically ambiguous in their searches. Therefore, computers can struggle to solve these ambiguities when defining what the user is looking for.

Fractured intent: This happens when a person types a generic term, for example, “marketing software.” The user could be looking for a) information about marketing software b) learning about the uses of marketing software c) looking to find the best marketing software.

Favored and explicit intent: Favored intent happens when the search engine prefers some type of intent. For instance, Google tends to favor queries that look for a comparison. An explicit intent is self-explanatory, happening when the user types exactly what they want.

Types of User Intent

Despite the challenges, user intents can be grouped into some general categories:

Local intent: these queries typically include the name of a location or the term “near me.”

Local search intent

Informational intent: For example, “What is a derivative.” Here the user is looking for information about a subject. This intent should be matched with informational content.

Informational Search Intent

Comparative intent: An example would be when the user adds words like “best,” “cheapest,” “top,” indicating they want to compare different products or services.

Transactional intent: Searches that start with “buy,” “get,” “find” describe the purchasing intention of the user.

Why is it important to understand the user’s intent?

When you match the user intent with relevant ads, you make sure the ad answers the user query. Therefore, there are more chances of the user clicking that ad. When you understand the user’s intent, you give them what they’re looking for. That’s why search monetization is so effective.

Increasing the odds by Improving the User Experience

Understanding how people search and what their intent is to improve the user experience. Most ads interrupt the user, getting in the way of the user activity. This type of advertising is not very useful because it may annoy the user.

A recommendation engine that operates with ad revenue doesn’t interrupt the user experience. On the contrary, it gives users exactly what they are looking for, enhancing the experience without feeling they are being marketed.

When you use search monetization in a mobile app, a website, or a browser extension, you’re improving the user experience.

Ways to Convert Traffic into Money

So far, we have explored what search monetization is and how people search. But what are the ways you can use to convert traffic into money?

1. Advertising

This is probably the most popular way to monetize a website or application. If, for instance, you have a website that gets traffic, you can sign up for an ad network. The network presents ads relevant to your visitors. When your visitor clicks the ad, you get paid.

Seems simple, right? Well, there are a few downsides to this type of advertising.

  1. To be profitable, you need to have lots of traffic and be in a highly competitive niche. That way, advertisers will bid top price on the ad network to place their ads on your site.
  2. In certain platforms, such as AdSense, once the user clicks on the ad, they leave the site, which means you lose an opportunity to continue marketing them.

If your site has a sizeable amount of traffic, you can always choose to place direct ads. By selling ad space, you get to negotiate directly with the merchant and set the price.

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How to Monetize a Website

The best ad networks for publishers

2. Affiliate Marketing

We can define affiliate marketing as a form of commissioned sales. It connects publishers or influencers with brands looking to promote their products and services.

When you place a link to a product on your site, if the user clicks on the link, and makes a purchase, you get paid.

The publisher signs up to the network, choose which products or service they want to promote. The network gives them custom links that can track how many people are purchasing from their sites. Then, the publisher gets a small commission for each sale. Affiliate marketing networks act as middlemen between the merchant, the affiliate, and the customers.

Why join an affiliate network? The network can connect publishers to lots of brands, which makes it a popular way to monetize a website. Other benefits include:

  • You don’t handle payments directly.
  • You can choose products or services that relate to your audience
  • Some networks offer rewards.

There are also downsides:

  • Some networks offer very low commission rates.
  • The traffic requirements can be high for some sites.

3. Search Feed Monetization

One of the downsides of traditional monetization methods like advertising is that users leave the website when clicking on an ad or link. You can keep your visitors a bit longer by adding an in-site search feed.

A search feed is more than a site search bar. It returns results from all the web. By using a monetized search box, you can earn a commission each time a person conducts a search.

Search monetization software monetizes search results on a website, by matching target ads with the visitors’ search results by adding a code to the website. This software helps publishers monetize their digital assets by getting paid every time a visitor conducts a search and clicks on an ad from the search results.

Related Reads:

How Website Monetization Software Can Help Your Business

How to Turn Data into Cash

4. Sponsored Posts

Organic search can lead a user to a page on your website. If people are visiting the page, you can integrate sponsored posts to promote other people’s products. You can also write a review about the company’s products or services. If your site gets a lot of traffic, you can earn nicely for such posts.

What’s the catch? You need to have your SEO on top form to drive the right traffic to the post. This increases brand exposure and makes advertisers happy.

5. Email Lists

Your traffic is a great source of leads. Encouraging visitors to opt-in for your email list gives you an audience to market to on a regular basis. Consent is key to a successful mailing list. To get visitor’s email addresses, make sure you have a clear call to action on every page, which compels users to sign up for the email list. You can also add pop-ups and floating sign-up boxes. You can offer a freebie, like an e-book or guide in exchange for signing up.

Email marketing builds a relationship with your audience. When your audience is used to get valuable information from you, they are more likely to click through the affiliate offers or advertisements. The more your email list trusts your company, the easier is to convert them into paying customers.

How to Display Ads on Your Website

If you want to put ads on your site and monetize your website via display advertising and displaying ads, you have essentially two strategies:

  1. Do it yourself or 
  2. Join an ad network. 

Display advertising has many pros. Most importantly, start creating content, gain high-ranking digital product pages or landing pages, and then choose the space for ad placements. Display Ads have high conversion rates compared to other ads. You just have to ensure you will not allow too many ads on a single page because it looks spammy. If you join an ad network, you will probably not have that problem.

Place Ads Yourself

If you are a website owner, you have to choose to promote your ad inventory yourself. You’ll need to do all the work of contacting advertisers and negotiating with them the rates. You would also need to choose the ad space for ad placements. While this method could have been popular 30 years ago, since the appearance of programmatic advertising, almost all digital advertising nowadays is done via software.

Join an Ad Network

Start by joining an ad network so you can have access to potential advertisers who will bid on your site. Once you have access, you add the ad network code to your site on the specific ad placement. There are a lot of ad networks in the market, for example, Google AdSense. Many other online tools for website monetization can be found online.

Related content: 

Using an ad network is convenient, but if you want a comprehensive solution, you should look into a monetization platform like CodeFuel. With CodeFuel, you can monetize every digital property, sponsored content,  websites, apps, extensions with shopping and search ads, thus gaining more traffic and a higher monthly revenue.

CodeFuel works with top ad networks and premium advertisers, to maximize publishers’ ROI via a monetization strategy applied especially for your digital products.

How to Earn Money From Websites Traffic & Visits

Your website traffic is worth money. Here are some ways you can convert your Internet traffic into cash. 

  1. Ad a Search Feed to your site:  A monetized search bar increase pageviews and earns you money every time searches.
  2. Get paid for site visits: Some ad networks have a Cost-per-View option. CPV ads rate go anywhere from around 3 cents to 30 cents per view. However, prices for CPV ads vary baked on multiple factors.
  3. Ad affiliate links: If your site has engaging and relevant content, it can be worthwhile to ad affiliate links. When visitors click on a product link you place in a blog, you receive  commission. Keep in mind that the effectivenes of your SEO affects the success of your affiliate marketing strategy.
  4. Work on your SEO: All monetization strategies in the world cannot help if you have not enough traffic. Invest in your SEO so your website will be up in search results pages, and potential consumers can find you easily.
  5. Create paid membership website: A membership site is usually making his income from each paid membership that acquires. To give an example for such membership websites, you can think of a website for online courses that can be based on this monetization method. You pay a certain fee each month to gain access to that website and its content.

Optimize your Search Conversion with CodeFuel

Let’s summarize. To convert traffic into money, you need to give users what they are looking for, and present relevant ads that match the user intent. This allows you to monetize by adding advertising or sponsored links.

Different digital properties require different monetization methods. Are you an app developer? then you can monetize through in-app advertising, among other methods. If you are a website owner, then, maybe signing up for an ad network can do the trick.

CodeFuel search monetization solutions are geared to transform search into revenue. They allow capturing consumers at the moment their intent is the highest. By matching the publisher’s audiences to the right text, shopping ads, and premium news, you can enhance the user experience and earn a higher profit. Every search query returns a customized search results page optimized for the user’s query.

Desktop and mobile apps can also benefit from CodeFuel. The user intent-based search allows you to monetize your mobile app or browser extension. Context-based ads ensure a smooth user experience for your application, by presenting ads at key moments in the application usage. This encourages user engagement, increasing the monetization of your app. The solution integrates easily and offers detailed HUB reports.

Add the power of search monetization to your website, application, or browser extension. The more users search, the better their experience in your digital property, the more they convert, and the more you earn. There is a smart way to monetize your digital property.

Start monetizing the smart way, learn more about how CodeFuel helps publishers and app developers convert traffic into money. Sign up for CodeFuel today.

YouTube Monetization: How to Make Money on YouTube in 2024?

YouTube Monetization: How to Make Money on YouTube in 2024?

Would you like to make a passive income from your YouTube channel? The YouTube monetization program can be a good option, but it is not the only one. In this CodeFuel guide: What is YouTube Monetization and How Does it Work?- 10 Ways to Monetize your YouTube Channel we will walk you through the basics of YouTube monetization and the steps you should take to profit from your channel.

In this post

This post is brought to you as a courtesy from our team. At CodeFuel we focus on helping businesses grow by monetizing digital properties like websites, apps, extensions, and more.

Learn more here. To continue learning about YouTube monetization, read on.

What is monetization?

The term monetization is the process of earning income from an asset or business. For example, from selling ad space on a website or online content. It is the process of transforming a non-revenue-generating asset into cash. In digital marketing, monetization looks into new sources of income, such as inserting ads inside of social media videos or before and after video content. 

YouTube Monetization Statistics

There are  2 billion users on YouTube, watching 1 billion hours of videos every day, (YouTube, 2019).

Many YouTube creators are trying to make money from their YouTube channels. And with 90% of users discovering new brands of products on YouTube, making money from your account is almost a no-brainer.

Many companies are taking advantage of the large audience, which shows in the high numbers of global advertising revenues. According to Statista: YouTube advertising revenues amounted to $19.77 billion in 2020, an increase from $15.5 billion in 2019.

Worldwide advertising revenue of YouTube

What does monetize mean on Youtube: YouTube Monetization Definition

The monetization of your YouTube channel refers to the capability to generate income from your video content. “Monetize” means to earn a profit from your YouTube clips. 

YouTube has its own monetization program for creators, which is called the YouTube Partner program.

Who Can Join YouTube Partner Program?

Not everybody can monetize their YouTube video content. To monetize your YouTube account, you need to be a verified YouTube partner

To be accepted into the program, you need:

  • a minimum of 1000 subscribers to your channel.
  • In addition, your videos should’ve been watched for 4000 hours over the past 12 months.

How Does YouTube Monetization Work?

For your channel to be able to monetize your content, first you need to join the YouTube partner program.  

How to Join the Youtube Partner Program

The partner program is the most common way people can earn money from their YouTube channel. To apply, you need to meet some requirements. 

What do you need to join? 

  • Follow the YouTube channel monetization policies described below. 
  • Live in a region where the YPP is available
  • Have no Community guidelines violations on your channel 
  • Turn 2-step verification for your Google Account
  • Have an active AdSense account linked to your channel. 

To apply: 

  • Once you sign in to your YouTube account, click your profile picture and YouTube Studio in the top right corner
  • You will see a left-side menu. Click Earn, then Start
  • Review and accept base terms.
  • Click Start  to link your AdSense account or set up a new one.

YouTube Partner Program & Requirements

The above guidelines are the baseline, but you still need to meet eligibility criteria. If you still cannot become eligible, you can go to the Earn area of YouTube Studio and click on Notify me when I’m eligible. YouTube will send you an email once you’ve met the eligibility criteria. 

Your channel can become eligible for YPP with Shorts or long-form videos:

Option 1: 1,000 subscribers + 4,000 vali public watch hours in the last 12 months 

Option 2: 1,000 subscribers + 10M valid public Short views in the last 90 days

YouTube Partner Program Eligibility

How to become part of the YouTube Partner Program? 

There are several steps you must comply with to become a partner:

1. Before you start:

  • You need over 1,000 subscribers
  • 4,000 valid public watch hours over the last 12 months
  • YouTube Partner Program must be available in your country
  • Have a linked AdSense Account.

2. Meet With Google Guidelines

You need to comply with YouTube monetization policies:

  • YouTube will review your channel to check the theme, most viewed videos, newest videos, watch time, video metadata. 
  • Enable 2 step verification for your account
  • Follow the YouTube community guidelines: YouTube rules for content are very comprehensive and the platform constantly checks channels for compliance with the rules. I strongly suggest you learn and verify your content ticks all the requirements before applying for a YPP account. This includes the use of copyrighted material.
  • Follow AdSense program policies

3. Verify Your YouTube Account with Those 3 Simple Steps

If you want to upload longer videos, go live or apply to YPP, you need to verify your account. It only takes 3 steps:

  1. Go to your YouTube Channel and click on Manage Videos

Verify Your YouTube Account 1

2. On the left side menu, select Settings /Channel/ Feature eligibility

Verify Your YouTube Account 2

3. Select Verify Phone Number.  Then Select: Text me the verification code.Verify Your YouTube Account 3.jpg

  • You will get a code to verify your phone number.Verify Your YouTube Account 4.jpg
  • Click on the code and that’s it.Verify Your YouTube Account 5.jpg


4. Sign to YPP terms

If you meet the requirements, you can sign up for the program. Follow these steps:

  • Sign in to your YouTube account
  • Click on your profile / YouTube Studio
  • In the left menu, select Monetization

YPP terms

  • If you meet the requirements => click Start on the Review Partner Program terms” card.  
  • If you don’t meet the requirements yet => click on Notify me when I’m eligible.

Connect Your Adsense Account

You will need to connect an AdSense Account to get paid. If you have one, use the one that is already approved. If you don’t, create one.

What happens if I’m rejected from YPP?

You can re-apply 30 days after the rejection.

What will YouTube check when reviewing your account? 

Besides the abovementioned requirements, YouTube will verify the following in your channel before approving your account.

  • The main theme
  • Which videos are the most viewed
  • The newest videos
  • Which videos have the biggest proportion of watch time
  • Video metadata such as titles, thumbnails, and descriptions.

What mistakes to avoid on YouTube?

Novice content creators can sometimes make copyrighting and monetization mistakes that cost them their membership in the program. You must comply with  YouTube’s copyright rules at all times and with all your videos. 

You can only upload videos that you made or are authorized to use. This includes music or audio tracks and videos created by others.

What happens if you violate the rules?

  • You’ll get suspended from the YouTube Partner Program
  • Your account can be terminated
  • Ads will no longer appear on your videos.

You’ll be informed beforehand if you violate any of the policies.

Youtube Monetization Requirements, Rules & Policies

To be accepted in the YouTube Partner program, there are five different types of policies you need to comply with: 

1. YouTube Community Guidelines: These are the things prohibited in YouTube

  • Spam, impersonation, and deceptive practices
  • Sensitive content, adult content, content that violates the child safety policy., self-harm, vulgar language.
  • Violent or dangerous content
  • Regulated goods
  • Misinformation

2.  AdSense program policies: Things not allowed in to monetize properties through AdSense

  • Repetitive content
  • Reused content.

3. Comply with the quality principles for kids and family content: What does YouTube consider low-quality for a channel made for kids?

  • Encouraging negative behaviors or attitudes
  • Heavy commercial or promotion
  • Deceptively educational
  • Incomprehensible
  • Misleading

Besides, YouTube expects creators to be accountable and responsible with the content, and to have integrity and not misrepresent themselves.

Can you really make money on YouTube?

The short answer is yes, you can. Youtube can now monetize smaller creators, so it is a good opportunity for anyone with relevant video content to monetize it through YouTube. There are several ways you can make an income on YouTube. Is it easy? No, but it is doable.

You can earn money from Watch Page ads, and Shorts Feed ads. You can charge for channel memberships. If using AdSense, on average YouTubers make between $3 and $5 per 1000 video views.

For channels with a lot of traffic, it is not uncommon to reach more than $200,000 a month from AdSense.

Let’s check some statistics:

Video display ads stats (updated to 2021)

  • According to Forbes, video advertising will continue to grow in the next few years, expecting to reach as high as $12.66 billion by 2024, from $10.18 billion in 2019.
  • Mobile will account for 73% of video ad spending.
  • Video ads were the top way consumers discovered a brand.
  • 96% of marketers have spent budget in ads on video.

How Much Money Can You Make On Youtube?

The truth is, it depends. According to Mint, the average YouTuber makes between $0.01 and $0.03 per ad view. That means about $18 per 1000 ad views. This may reach about $5 per 1,000 video views for top YouTubers. A YouTube video with a million views can make about $5000.

This depends on several factors:

  • How many views your video receives
  • How many clicks your ads receive
  • The length of the video

5 Ways to Earn Revenue

The most popular way to make money in YouTube is by monetizing the video views and by displaying ads before and after videos. Here are other ways you can make money from your YouTube content, here are:

How Does YouTube Monetization Work?

YouTube offers different monetization options for users that are part of the YouTube Partner Program. 

1. AdRevenue

The YouTube monetization program is very simple.

Companies in the Google Adsense Network create ads that are placed at any moment in the video. Each time a viewer watches the entire ad, you get paid. That’s it. 

The ads can be placed at the start of the video (pre-roll ads). When the video you uploaded is longer than 10 minutes, you can also enable ads during the video (mid-roll ads).

You get ad revenue from ads placed on your channel (display, overlay, and video ads)

Different types of ads – according to YouTube Creators Academy


Who can apply?

YouTube partners that meet the advertiser-friendly content guidelines. The guidelines consider certain content in channels as not suitable for advertising. Some of the categories that are not appropriate for ads are drug-related, firearms, adult, hateful content, controversial issues, inappropriate language, and others. Google evaluates each case and takes context into account.

2. Channel memberships

You can offer membership to your subscribers in exchange for exclusive content, badges, or custom perks.Channel memberships

Who can apply?

To apply for the membership monetization option, you need to have more than 30.000 subscribers.

3. Merchandise shelf

You can sell official branded merchandise presented on your watch pages. This type of monetization option is good for YouTubers with great branding. Gamers, activists, and influencers use this monetization option.Merchandise 1

You can sell apparel, gear, backpacks, and other gear. The key? Being an established YouTuber with a strong brand can monetize the channel and increase engagement with a merch shelf.Merchandise 2


Who can apply?

You need more than 10,000 subscribers to apply to this monetization option.

4. Super Chat – Super Stickers

Your channel fans can have their messages highlighted in your channel chat stream, so their messages can catch attention. This is useful for YouTubers that do LiveStreams with live chat enabled. YouTubers raising money for a cause, or a specific campaign, can also benefit from this. You can learn more about how to manage super chats in this video from YouTube.

Who can apply?

YPP from a country/region where SuperChat is available.

5. YouTube Premium Revenue

YouTube lets some creators get part of a YouTube Premium subscriber’s subscription fee when they watch content. This gives a reward to content creators that produce great content. When this content attracts premium users, you can get paid by YouTube.

Who can apply?

YPP creates exceptional content that attracts premium users.

How You Can Make Money From YouTube in 2024 – The Top 8 Ways

Now that we reviewed the 5 types of monetization the YouTube partner program offers, we can explore other ways of making money from YouTube in 2024. Let’s start.

1. Find Sponsors

Who can benefit from this? Video creators

How difficult is it? Intermediate

Working with sponsorship deals can boost your earnings on YouTube.  Most brands can pay very well for quality video content that can help them reach their business objectives.  Getting a sponsorship requires a large subscriber base and influence. It is also important to know that some niches can have more product placements than others. Consumer products like beauty and makeup are two of the biggest categories.

What you will create is, however, sponsored content, so you need to disclose this on your YouTube channel. Review the Google ads policies before so you don’t risk problems with your account.

When working with sponsors:

  • Ask for 50% upfront to protect yourself
  • Focus on quality video content that helps the user
  • Create unpaid reviews first to attract sponsors.

2. Affiliate Program and Review Products

Who can benefit from this? Video creators

How difficult is it? Easy

Getting a sponsorship can be kind of somewhat difficult. Luckily, you can still work with companies and earn commissions by reviewing their products for your audience. The entry requisites are often low, and you can promote the company by sharing your affiliate link in your video description. When working with affiliate marketing keep in mind:

  • You need to be transparent and disclose your affiliate relationships.
  • Choose programs that offer recurring commission

3. Crowdfund with Patreon

Who can benefit from this? Video creators

How difficult is it? Intermediate

If you have a good base of loyal fans, you can ask them to crowdfund your channel and help fund your new videos. You can use a platform like Patreon to allow your customers to subscribe monthly. Here is a video by YouTube Video Creators that explains how to make the most of your crowdfund with Patreon:

When funding your channel with Patreon, remember:

  • Keep your content interesting
  • Make the funding options clear
  • Give perks and surprise your fan base once in a while.

4. Become an Influencer with Amazon

Who can benefit from this? Influencers with at least 200 followers.

How difficult is it? For experienced YouTubers

Many YouTubers are using the Amazon influencer program to maximize their YouTube presence and make money via Amazon recommendations. According to Amazon, it is designed for social media influencers with large followings and a high frequency of posts with shoppable content. Amazon looks at the YouTube content you post and its relevance for Amazon customers.

When you join the program, you can review and recommend Amazon products via an affiliate link. When a viewer clicks on the link and purchases on Amazon, you get a commission, typically 8 to 10%.

5. Make money as a Videogamer

Make money as a VideogamerWho can benefit from this? Serious gamers with great video skills

How difficult is it? Intermediate

YouTube can be a great option to make money if you are a serious gamer. Some of the top YouTube gamers, like PewDiePie, make millions of dollars playing games. With the global gaming industry expected to reach $180 billion in revenue in 2021, it is a great opportunity for gamers to make money connecting gaming companies and their audience.

To be effective, probably you should use a combination of methods. Ads, sponsors, and merchandising.

6. Gain with YouTube Red

YouTube Red

Who can benefit from this? Video creators with a demographic of 25+

How difficult is it? Intermediate

This new subscription service includes ad-free content and YouTube original content for $9.99 a month. Users can save videos offline and background play. How does this work for creators? You need to agree as a YouTube Partner to include your content in your subscription. Creators are paid a percentage of revenue based on several factors, such as watch time.

Is it worth it? As YouTuber TotalBiscuit said:

“ since Red started, a Red view is on average worth 20x that of a normal ad view. This calculation is based on taking the total revenue the channel has generated via Red and dividing it by the total number of Red views since Red was first launched, then multiplying that number by 1000 to find the effective CPM of Red”. 

7. Offer Video Editing Services

Video Editing

Who can benefit from this? Video creators with video editing skills

How difficult is it? Easy

YouTube creators rely on finely edited videos to attract and engage their audiences. However, not all of them have the necessary skills. If you have a talent for video editing, consider offering video editing services to other YouTubers. You can offer your services on your channel or job boards.

8. Sell Online Courses (And Other Informational Products…)

Online Courses

Another way to earn money on YouTube is to sell online courses and other digital informational products. If you have knowledge that adds value to your followers, you can put together all this info into a course or training.

The range of topics is varied, fitness, marketing, even professional courses. For example, take TheCodingTrain. This channel, with 1.23M subscribers, offers coding video tutorials. They also have subscription plans that start at $4.99.

How much do sponsors pay Youtubers?

How much you can get from a sponsor will largely depend on the size of your audience, the level of engagement, your niche, and what type of sponsorship we are talking about? To have a ballpark idea, YouTubers usually charge from $10 to $50 per 1000 views but popular creators can make much more.

Can you Win Advertisers?

You can always approach advertisers directly, asking them to advertise on your Channel. You best bet, however, and much simpler, is to join an ad network. It can be through YouTube monetization program or you can add other networks compatible with the YouTube program.

To win advertisers you should promote your YouTube channel so you can get the most traffic and engagement. Here are some tips:

  • Start with a catchy title
  • Optimize your videos for visibility and usability. Don’t forget automatic captions.
  • Get the most of your Thumbnails
  • Promote your YouTube videos in other social networks
  • Use the right keywords to target Google search results

When do you start getting paid on Youtube?

To get paid on YouTube, you have a minimum threshold of 1000 subscribers and 4000 watch hours.  Most YouTubers get paid by direct deposit, typically on the 21st of every month. Here are the steps to get paid:

  1. Some locations require you to submit your tax information to Google.
  2. Verify your identity and address.
  3. Select your preferred form of payment, which may include wire transfer, Electronic Funds Transfer, or Single Euro Payments area.
  4. If your current balance meets the minimum payment threshold from your location, you’ll be paid on the 21 of the month.

How many subscribers do you need to make money on Youtube?

To join the YouTube partner program you need only 1000 subscribers, but to make a decent income, you need much more. For example, if one of your videos has 1 million views, you will make an average of $2000 to $15000, depending on your content niche, video length and location.

Top earning YouTube Stars

Position Name Earnings Views Subscribers
#1 Ryan Kaji Ryan Kaji $29.5 million 12.2 billion 41.7M
This 9-year-old conquered YouTube reviewing and opening toys.
#2 Mr. Beast Mr. Beast $24 million 3 billion 47.8M
Stunts and funny videos make Mr. Beast a YouTube sensation
#3 Dude Perfect Dude Perfect  $23 million 2.77 billion 57.5 million
5 friends play stunts with lightsabers, Nerf guns, and paintballs.
#4 Rhett and Link Rhett and Link $20 million 1.9 billion 41.8 million
Some of the longest YouTube stars, a nerdy talk show.
#5 Markiplier Markiplier $19 million 3.1 billion 28.5M
Super popular breakdowns of video games
#6 Nastya Nastya $18 million 39 billion 190.6 million
An adorable 7 years old and her father play with legos, do chores and explain viruses for kids.
#7 Preston Arsement Preston Arsement $14 million 3.3 billion 33.4 million
The king of Minecraft. Plays and explains Minecraft video games.
#8 Blippi Blippi $17 million 8.2 billion 27.4 million
Educational video content for kids
#9 David Dobrik David Dobrik $16 million 2.7 billion 18million
Funny and quirky videos and pranks
#10 Jeffreee Star Jeffreee Star $15 million 600 million 16.9 million
Beauty and makeup tutorials.

FAQs About Youtube Monetization

1. How much money can you make on YouTube with ads?

It depends on what pricing model you have. For example, if using Cost per Mille (CPM), a $3 CPM means that the advertiser pays $3 for every 1,000 impressions of the ad. Using Cost per Click (CPC) means that the advertiser will pay $2 per click your ad gets = $2000.

In YouTube, the default way for advertisers to set the amount to pay for video ads is Cost per View (CPV). What is a view? = when someone watches 30 seconds of the video ad ( or the entire ad if shorter). So, it will depend on the number of views your ads get to know how much money you will make.

2. How hard is it to make money on YouTube?

In fact, it is kind of difficult to make money on YouTube. The entry requirements for the YouTube partner program are high (1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours in the last 12 months). Before you can start monetizing.

3. How to calculate how much 1000 views are worth?

From 100 viewers, only 15 on average will watch the entire length of a video ad, or 30 seconds. That means that per 1,000 views, only 150 people will watch the ad. Considering the average payment per view is $0.18, Google charges the advertiser $27, keeps $9 for them and the YouTube channel receives $18.

4. How many subscribers do I need to make money?

The minimum requirement to monetize in the YouTube partner program is 1,000. However, this won’t make a reasonable income for most YouTubers. Experts recommend having at least 20,000 subscribers to have decent earnings.

Wrap Up

This complete guide to YouTube monetization can get you started in your efforts to make money from your YouTube channel. Combining monetization strategies like display advertising, affiliate marketing, and the others we mentioned above can be the best plan of action to monetize your YouTube account. Learn how CodeFuel can give a complete monetization platform for your content, providing relevant search and shopping ads and news for your audience.

The Top 50 Digital Marketing Trends for 2024

The Top 50 Digital Marketing Trends for 2024

Advertising market trends

1.Programmatic Advertising

What is programmatic advertising? It means advertisers automate ad buying to target more specific audiences. This type of automation results in faster and efficient bidding. Advertisers then, have to spend less time and effort planning the ad bidding and buying.

In this post

How does programmatic advertising work?

Step 1 – a user clicks on the webpage

Step 2 – the publisher puts the ad impression for auction

Step 3 – the ad marketplace holds an auction where advertisers bid for the impression

Step 4 – the advertiser with the highest bid wins the right to display their ads

2.Marketing Personalization

If something we learned from 2020 is that to succeed at marketing in 2024 you need to personalize your marketing activities, including content, emails and ads. Great examples of personalization are Netflix and Amazon, with their tailored content and products suggestions.

Content Personalization on Netflix

The more personalized the content, the higher the customer engagement and loyalty.  

3.Google Ads Smart Bidding

This system allows Google to manage advertisers’ PPC campaigns through Google’s AI system. The system then optimizes the advertiser’s budget to maximize their ROI. Advertisers can choose many criteria for their bid optimization, including device, physical location, remarketing list, ad characteristics, interface language or browser. Anti Ad-Blockers

Many websites have ad-blockers, preventing ads to be served to users. This causes serious revenue damage, which can range up to 40% loss from adblocking. Therefore, one of the trends we are seeing for 2024, is the popularization of anti-ad-blockers. 

Anti-ad blockers are useful software solutions that bypass ad blockers. Not all the solutions work for all the ad blockers. You can also opt to work with an ad network that serves ads that bypass ad-blockers. However, not all ad networks work with all the ad blockers. 

4.IoT Advertising

Using IoT for Advertisement

To be connected nowadays goes beyond, smartphones, laptops and tablets. There is a world of connected devices, from smart cars to smart houses. These type of connected devices are called the Internet of Things. 

Companies have tried to use the Internet of Things for advertising. For example, including ads in smart cars systems, or include sensors in spirits bottles. As more connected devices are developed, more opportunities for IoT advertisement will appear. 

Social media market trends

5.Influencer Marketing

What’s an influencer? An influencer is a person that, as a referent, can carry a brand message to their market. Influencers are not only celebrities, but Instagram or YouTube personas, that have their niche of followers. Their audience can go from a few thousand to millions. Influencer marketing has become more popular recently because of the following reasons:

  • It’s organic
  • It’s authentic
  • Connects with the customer

Many companies are leaving traditional advertising in favor of pairing with influencers that carry the word about their products or services. For example, GoodFoods, partnered with 60 influencers to produce content and recipes using GoodFoods products online.  

How do you find the right influencer for your company is another story. Luckily, there are AI solutions that allow companies to rank and score influencers by niche, followers and ROI potential. 

6.Social Messaging Apps

Messaging apps are not only for communicating with your friends. With more than one billion monthly users active on Facebook Messenger, companies are taking the opportunity to connect with their audience through messaging apps. 

global mobile messenger

Social messages give businesses the chance to send messages to customers directly, answer queries, and conduct direct sales. It works as a live chat for customers to reach you, then you can provide assistance, remind them of abandoned carts, send event invitations, and more. 

7.Stories on Social Media

Instagram and Facebook allow users to share stories, and since their appearance, they became really popular with users. Here are some statistics

  • 500 million people use Instagram Stories every day
  • More than half of Instagram users become interested in a brand after seeing it in an Instagram Story. 
  • Half of the users say that they are interested in purchasing a product because they saw it in an IS. 

8.From Social Media to Social Marketplace

Social media platforms have added eCommerce features in 2020. The goal is to provide users with a seamless journey from discovery to purchase. We can expect the trend to grow in 2021, with brands using social media platforms as a marketplace. The next section explains what tools they will likely be using. 

9.Social Commerce & Shoppable Posts

As mentioned above, social media platforms are investing in adding ecommerce features to social posts. For instance, Instagram shoppable posts: 

How do you do it? You can add tags to the products on your stories or posts, the tags will take your customer to a page where they can purchase the product.

add tags to your products

10.Facebook May Have Reached its Peak

According to the recent 2020 Facebook performance update, there is reason to think that the network is entering plateau.

Facebook monthly active users

The network is showing less monthly and daily new users. Why there are less users is not clear, but the network is completing its second decade, and there are other competitors appearing. 

11.Focusing on the social media channels that work

With so many social media channels available, companies can feel overwhelmed to try to keep relevant on all of them. Therefore, reducing their social media channels to focus on what it really works for their audience is likely to be a necessity for 2024​. 

12.The rise of UGC (user-generated content)

User-generated content will become a central part of marketer’s strategy in 2024. Advertisers are using AI to create ads that work with user-generated content. Brands like Lush cosmetics use Instagram hashtags to drive UGC to work for them.

instagram best

Another example that uses user generated content is Aerie. They usually #regram — taking a post from another user account and reposting on your own — as a social media strategy.

User Generated Content

Source: Instagram

SEO market trends

13.Content Marketing Is Still King

Content is king, we are used to hearing. The reality is that search engines like Google, prioritize well-written content and useful links when ranking sites and presenting search results to users. 

In recent years, the changes in Google algorithm prioritized, even more, the relevance of content for SEO. The effects on marketers were fast to follow: 

88% of marketers are realizing that creating content that is useful to their audience presents their organization as a credible source.

Moreover, investing in content marketing can be a cost-effective way to attract customers to your site and engage them.  

“Content marketing has lower up-front costs & deeper long-term benefits than paid search, says @JuliaEMcCoy.

With search engines prioritizing well-written and useful content, it is safe to say that content marketing is a trend that will continue well into 2024​. 

14.Branding focus

Consumers are overwhelmed by the sheer amount of options they have every time they research something online. With this marketing landscape, having a distinct, unique, and recognizable brand is key for success. 

As most companies moved online last year, the problem of too many options is even worse. In 2024, you’ll see more companies focusing on branding strategies than on hard selling. One of the reasons branding is so critical now for survival is that search engines prioritize ranking brands over sites. More in the following section. 


E.A.T is one of the most important criteria Google uses to rank brands and sites. It stands for: 

  • Expertise: your pages need to have quality content written by an expert in the subject.
  • Authority: you need to build your brand’s authority on the subject.
  • Trustworthiness: your site needs to connect with other authorities on the subject. 

These criteria measure the quality of a web page. It works because all websites need to have it if they want to get ranked in a search engine. The higher they measure in these three criteria, the higher the rank. E.A.T measures how a page fulfills the purpose of helping users. As Google says in their terms:

“Websites and pages should be created to help users” 

16.A/B Testing for SEO

A/B testing is used across industries, not only in marketing. But it is safe to say that currently, much of modern marketing is about testing and analytics. Long gone are the days of measuring a campaign’s success by trial and error. 

By applying A/B testing to SEO, you actually test the content beforehand. Then, you can identify which version of the site is generating more results. 

What can you use A/B testing for? 

You can use A/B testing to experiment with:

  • Meta titles and descriptions
  • URL structures
  • Headlines
  • Calls to action
  • Sales pages
  • Product descriptions

17.Interactive Content

Interactive content is one of the trends that grew faster last year. With our lives moving online, consumers wanted to replace as much as possible personal interaction with the brands. Examples of interactive content include:

  • Quizzes and polls
  • Augmented reality solutions
  • VR ads

The key is engaging the user and offer an immersive experience. Online retailers, for example, let you know what is your exact size with online calculators. Beauty brands use AR to let you try hair color with a virtual assistant to check how a specific hair color will look on you. The possibilities are endless to make the experience more memorable for the user. 

18.The Rise of the Featured Snippet

What is “position zero”? The term refers to the topmost position in SERP results. This position is usually occupied by the featured snippet.  

What is a featured snippet?

Featured Snippet
This is the useful summary of information Google presents first on the page to answer your query.

 Why is it important? Well, this coveted space answers a user query without the need to click a link. If you get to rank in this space, you found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Moreover, featured snippets are used to answer voice searches. Since a third of Internet searches are done using voice search, you can get your content to answer the question. 

19.SEO Is Not Dead – It Uses Structured Data

The term structured data refers to any data organized so search engines can crawl and categorize it. Structured data can give your site’s SEO a boost, since your content will be more useful and easily to categorize. Structured data can get you in the coveted position zero, as a featured snippet or a Knowledge Graph Box.

Structured data generates “rich snippet results”, the snippets with images, pricing and statistics:


Rich snippets are great for driving traffic and clicks, especially with mobile users. 

20.Cumulative Layout Shift

This metric measures how visually stable your page is. To put it simple, the CLS score helps you understand how likely your page is giving an unpleasant visual experience to users. 

According to Google, a good score for mobile and desktop pages is less than 0.1. A score greater than 0.25 is considered not good.

What can cause CLS?

  • Many different fonts in the page
  • Ads that shift the content

Why is it important? Unsurprisingly, a high CLS causes conversion rates to drop and bounce rates to rise. After all, few users will stay and purchase on a site that gives a rugged experience. That’s why we are likely to see more sites analyzing their CLS in 2024​. 

21.Pillar Content

Unlike what you may think, in 2024, the usual under 1000 posts won’t get you anywhere. According to experts like Neil Patel, posts that are around 3000 words long attract the most traffic and engage more readers. The length offers readers the opportunity to explore subjects in-depth. A content creator that produces long-form content regularly can establish itself as an authority on a subject. 

A study found that long-form content helps more with SEO, as gets three times more backlinks than short articles. Want more proof? When you search a query on Google, chances are that the top 10 results are longer articles. Some benefits of pillar content include:

  • Longer time-on-site
  • Reduced bounce rate
  • More backlinks and social media shares
  • Higher Google ranking

22.Image and video SEO for visual searches

This was a game-changer. Instead of trying to describe what you want to search, you can upload an image and get more specific results. 


You just upload the image of what you want to look and Google offers similar images: 


Visual search is so convenient and useful that many companies jumped into the trend. One example is Pinterest Lens, a visual search tool that lets you take a picture of an item to search for similar products, view pin boards about it or find out where to buy it online.


Source: Pinterest Newsroom 

The success of this tool shows how much visual search is engaging users. Since the beta version, Lens recognizes 2.5 billion home and fashion items and it drove Pinterest searches to skyrocket. 

But not only Pinterest is taking advantage of this, Google and Bing also launched similar visual search engines. 

23.Semantic Keyword Research

All content writers have heard it: Write for people, not for Google. A blurb of 4000 words won’t get the results you want if it is not matched to user intent. When Google analyzes your content to check if it matches a specific query, it doesn’t take only into account lone keywords. 

The engine makes a semantic analysis to discover what exactly wanted the user to achieve with this question. When you write with the user intent in mind, these semantic keywords give Google a better idea of what your content is about and how it can help users. 

24.More Investment in Analytics

As we explained before, today’s marketing is all about metrics. Therefore, more companies are investing in better analytic tools that go beyond the basics of Google Analytics. Better analytics result in better business intelligence and support decision-making. 

25.Increased Security

As more people conduct activities online, the need for more security to protect the websites is greater. A secure website makes a user feel safe to hang around. 

Data breaches happen to everyone, small and large websites and platforms. Therefore, most consumers think that how you manage their sensitive data can be a deal breaker when consuming your content, products or services. In 2021, increasing web security is not an option. 

26.Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

You have responsive sites that work on mobile as well as on desktop and you have mobile apps. Now, this new trend, Progressive Web Apps, is basically websites that work like mobile apps. For web developers, this can be a one-in-all solution to have a website and an app all in one. 

As the number of mobile users increase, more companies will leverage this type of web app.

Number of smartphone users

other engines have appeared with the intention to provide users with more privacy. One such example is This engine focused on private searching, gives the users the possibility of searching without being tracked. The engine doesn’t store personal information, nor uses cookies or any means of tracking. The goal is to provide the user with an absolutely private search experience.

How Private Search works

Automation & AI

28.Artificial Intelligence

Back in 2017, Gartner predicted that AI would be in almost every software product by 2020. And they were right. The artificial intelligence market is expected to reach $190 billion by 2025.


AI can collect and analyze data from social media and customer interactions to evaluate customer’s behavior. AI searches patterns, allowing you to understand your audience preference.  

29.Chatbots and Conversational Technology

Last year, conversational technology exploded as a contactless way for consumers to connect with companies. According to Gartner peer insights, the conversational platforms that are driving trends include:

  • strong Natural Language Processing capabilities, 
  • supports voice and text input 
  • Use personalization for natural conversation
  • Allow media and document sharing
  • Provide dialogue management
  • Multiple chatbot orchestration
  • Data maintenance

Why chatbots?

  • 24 hrs service
  • Provide an instant response to customer queries
  • Allows to triage and solve simple issues. 

For example, Olive, the assistant of Woolworths, Australia’s supermarket chain, lets you order and upgrade your mobile SIM card. 


Source: Woolworths

Brands, like Sephora, are leveraging on chatbots to provide help and product recommendations to potential customers.

30. Big Data and Deep Learning

Big Data and deep learning will continue to grow in 2024, according to a report. More importantly, more companies will use big data analysis to improve their business efficiency and drive innovation.

Big Data trends you should know
One downside is that while more companies are using big data, the requirements of protecting the management of consumer data increase. More regulations like the CCPA and GDPR entering effect. 

31.Augmented Reality (AR) & Immersive Technologies

Companies like Facebook are diving deep into the use of augmented reality to enhance the customer experience. Facebook Oculus gives users the opportunity to play without pushing buttons, transforming the gaming experience into an immersive virtual reality one.

Marketers can take advantage of this technology to provide immersive experiences for their customers. Some brands, like IKEA, Tom’s shoes, Patron Spirits, and even Marriott International, are already giving customers a VR experience.
Ikea giving Customers a VR experience

Source: IKEA Place 

Other ways you can use VR to provide meaningful experiences to your audience:

  • Augmented Reality ads – for gaming and consumer products
  • 360-degree videos – for real estate, tourism. 

32.`Predictive & Augmented Analytics

Predictive analytics consists of the combination of data mining, predictive modeling, and machine learning to identify patterns and come with forecasts. More digital marketing companies are using predictive analytic tools to predict consumer behavior and identify trends. 

Gartner defined augmented analytics in 2017, claiming it to be the future of data analytics

Augmented analytics is the use of enabling technologies such as machine learning and AI to assist with data preparation, insight generation, and insight explanation to augment how people explore and analyze data in analytics and BI platforms. It also augments the expert and citizen data scientists by automating many aspects of data science, machine learning, and AI model development, management, and deployment.”(Gartner)

Putting it simply, augmented analytics use machine learning to deepen the understanding of the data and take even larger datasets. 

Other Important marketing trends to be aware

33.Live streams (TikTok anyone?)

Streaming is every day more popular, and the explosive growth of TikTok confirms it. With Instagram adding Reels with in-video shopping capabilities and Tik Tok on the way to do the same, it won’t be longer before live streaming in social media turns into a real-time marketplace. 

34.Companies pivots may stay that way

2020 changed the digital landscape for good. It is unlikely we will come back to pre-2020 conditions. Consumers are enjoying the convenience of online commerce. Hence, companies that pivoted to adapt last year, may find now their customers expect them to continue on the same line. 

35.Purpose-driven campaigns

Last year marketing campaigns were tinted with a purpose: helping customers overcoming the pandemic as much as possible. Purpose-given campaigns will be still relevant in 2024​. These campaigns promote social activist themes, for example, the campaigns about Black Lives Matter. The issues resonate with customers and increase engagement with relevant audiences. These campaigns are effective because customers identify with the same social issues the brand cares about. 

36.Voice search

Smart speakers and voice assistants are no longer a trendy item to purchase. Statistics predict over half of American homes will own a smart speaker (Google Home, Alexa, and others) by 2022. People use the voice assistants not only for routine activities but for voice shopping. The voice shopping market is expected to reach $40 billion in 2022. 

37.Virtual events are here to stay

In 2020, companies and individuals shifted to virtual events out of necessity due to the pandemic. Chances are that in 2024 many events will continue to be virtual because of the benefits it brings to companies. Virtual events can reach a wider audience and allow for higher attendance. So in 2024 we will continue seeing more virtual events. 

38.Monetization marketing

 If 2024 saw a growth in online activity, it also gave a lot of opportunities for companies to make money from their digital properties. Display ads, search monetization, and in-app advertising are some of the monetization trends we may see growing in 2024

39.Growth of Geo-Fencing

Geofencing is a marketing approach where you put a geographic limit around a point of interest. If a user’s mobile enters the area, the geofence triggers an alert and delivers relevant ads. Here are some of the benefits of geofencing:

  • Mobile ads with geofencing have double the click-through-rate
  • It is compatible with most of the smartphones. 
  • 53% of consumers visited a retailer after receiving a message that is location-based

40.Conversational Marketing

Conversational marketing is the use of conversational technology for marketing purposes. For example using chatbots as “sales assistants”, or SMS marketing to communicate with customers. Several big names are using this technology: Domino’s, Sephora, 1-800-Flowers.


41.Video Marketing

This is one of the most important marketing trends today. Here are some statistics that show why you should incorporate video marketing to your strategy:

  • 86% of companies are using video as part of their marketing strategy. 
  • 93% of these marketers say that video is an important part of their marketing strategy, from a 91% in 2019. 
  • The videos with most success are explainer videos (73%), followed by social media videos (67%).. 

42.Personalized Email

Email personalization uses personal information from subscribers to produce tailored emails. It allows you to send highly targeted email marketing campaigns. Why should you use email marketing personalization

  • 82% of marketers report an increase in email open rates because of email personalization. 
  • Personalized promotional mailings have 29% more open rates than non-personalized. 

43.Browser Push Notifications

With the boom in online commerce, push notifications rose, with most online stores using some type of push notification. They tend to be more effective than a newsletter. You can send abandoned cart reminders, product suggestions, and more. Because of that, we’ll probably see more companies using personalized push notifications in 2024

44.Omnichannel Marketing

You probably heard about omnichannel marketing in 2020. Is an approach of marketing that uses multiple platforms (for instance, social media, blog, email marketing) to connect with leads. It gives the benefits of providing a cohesive brand message across channels. Omnichannel marketing tends to show higher engagement rates and conversions than using a single channel. Simply put, you broaden the number of touchpoints. 

4 5.Neuromarketing

Neuromarketing is not new. Back in 1999, Harvard scientists conducted the first MRI research as a marketing tool, starting the neuromarketing field. This is a research field that analyzes people’s brain activity through head scans to find out the type of content they like. The first studies were conducted for retail marketing. One of the results of neuromarketing is the eye-maps, which measure the interest of a viewer on a website according to where they look on the page. Companies use this information to optimize their content and strategies. 

46.Blockchain Technology

A blockchain is a connected series of data records. The records are stored in immutable blocks, secured and connected to each other via cryptography in a neutral computer. 

According to Investopedia, “the blockchain is copied and spread across a network of computers, not storing any of its information in a central location”.

Blockchain Technology according to Investopedia

Although usually associated with finances and supply chain transactions, it is starting to get implemented in digital marketing. Since Blockchain eliminates the intermediary, we may see digital marketing companies using blockchain to track media buys, verify online identities or protect personal data. 

47.5G Technology

This trend, the fifth generation of mobile technology, will bring many changes to digital communications. Telecom companies aim to achieve a fully mobile connected society, bringing high-speed data transmission to far-reaching areas. Yet, it is more than that, it will give way to more integrated technology. 

48.Privacy Marketing

Privacy protection is not only a way of protecting data. These days, with data breaches happening every now and then, consumers need to know they can trust companies will keep their data safe. Thus, marketing teams need to focus on gaining the trust of their audience. One of the ways is protecting the privacy of users by not saving personal data in records. This ensures that in case of a breach, an attacker won’t have sensitive data to steal. 


Keeping your customers engaged can be a challenge. Companies like Starbucks use gamification techniques to connect with their customers. The app uses purchase history and location data to personalize the customer experience and encourage the use of their loyalty program. The app increased their revenue to over $2 billion.


Digital Marketing Landscape 

Here are the key statistics you need to know to understand where the digital marketing landscape is heading for 2021.

  • Spending on digital marketing decreased in 2020.
Digital Marketing spending in the US

2.Spending Is Recovering 

Digital ad spending is recovering

Source: eMarketer

Digital spending is recovering, and it is expected to reach $389 billion in 2024, from $332 billion in 2020. The increase is driven by the market bouncing back and trying to tap into the customer’s increasing online activity. The trend doesn’t stop there, with an expected growth of  $525.17 billion by 2024. 

  • LinkedIn ads spending grew 40% during 2019-2020

LinkedIn ad spending reached $1 billion in the US, establishing the network as a solid advertising channel for B2B marketers (eMarketer).

  • Personalization is going strong
Personalized Customer Experience

Source: eMarketer

Most marketers would focus their personalization efforts on improving the customer experience through service and product recommendations. 

From the consumer’s side: 80% of consumers are more likely to do business with a company that offers personalized experiences. (Instapage) 

Digital Marketing Basics

If you want to succeed in digital marketing, there are a few basic pillars that you need to master: digital presence, branding, and relationships. These three core concepts can help simplify what may be a multifaceted field. 

Digital Presence

This is the key to any digital marketing you may start. These days, a digital presence is equal to having a presence at all. It is not enough to have a website or a social media page. You need a clear strategy that drives how and where you should build your presence.

Unsurprisingly, it all starts with your audience. Here are a couple of questions that can give you direction when building your digital presence:

Where does your audience spend their online time? 

The golden rule of marketing is to know your customer. So, if you want to reach your audience, first find out where they spend their online time. What type of content do they consume? What social networks do they spend time on? What search terms do they use? This will help you define which channels are the most effective to build your presence.  

What’s the purpose you want to achieve with your marketing strategy?

Ask yourself what you want to achieve with your online presence. Do you want to raise brand awareness? Here, your strategy shouldn’t focus on the hard-sell. If your goal is to increase conversions, then landing pages can help you close the deal with clear direction and calls-to-action. 


Your brand encapsulates what your company stands for. It includes everything, from your company name, color scheme, mission statement, slogan, logo, and more. 

To stand out on a sea of brands, your brand needs to showcase what it makes it unique. Keeping strong brand awareness is one of the most critical ways to differentiate yourself from the competition. Yet, it is not enough to stand out in the marketplace, but you need to stand out online too. So, refine your online branding strategy in a way that search engines recognize your brand instead of your site. In fact, the Google algorithm considers a strong brand one characteristic of a “good quality site” 


Your digital marketing strategy should not be limited to trying to appear on Google’s first page. Social networks, blogs, forums, social apps, and other similar platforms can help you build a relationship with customers online. 

When we talk about marketing, relationships will always be the foundation of good business. Building an online presence will get you noticed, but creating a relationship with your audience will get you conversions. 

To form effective relationships with customers, you need to be personable and personal. Using social media and good content, you can connect with your audience and let them know your brand message.   

 5 Challenges for Digital Marketing in 2024

  • Less spending in marketing 

Marketing budgets took a hit in spending in 2020. While marketing companies are recovering, the spending is not yet at the levels we expected before 2020. Although the e-commerce ratio increased dramatically, companies have yet to catch up with the new needs in digital marketing. 

  • Driving engagement across multiple channels

In 2024 it will become even more relevant to connect with customers where they are. Creating engagement will become more challenging, via adopting mobile messaging channels, and leverage personalized and dynamic content to improve the customer experience and customer loyalty. 

  • Mobile-first strategy

More people are browsing and shopping from their smartphones than ever. A mobile-first approach allows your customers to consume your products/services on the go, anytime and from anywhere. So, when creating your marketing strategy for 2024, think about a mobile-first approach. 

  • Establishing Omnichannel Marketing

Customers are active on multiple devices and platforms. Marketers need to combine online and social media strategies. This aims to make it easier for your audience to reach you wherever they are. Omnichannel marketing allows you to focus on the platform where your audience is most active. The key is to provide your customers a smooth customer experience when they change from a channel to another. 

  • Complying with Privacy and Data Sharing Regulations

Marketers will need to adapt quickly to evolving privacy and data sharing regulations. Since many of the regulations target across frontiers, marketers need to take that into account. The phasing of third-party cookies compounds the challenge for marketers to understand a customer’s purchase intent. 

The future of Digital Marketing – top 3 predictions

After analyzing the major trends for 2024, we explored the top predictions for 2024

  • From digital marketing activities to experiential events

When the pandemic hit, customers pivoted to use new technologies and performing activities online. But in 2024, many people are already exhausted from living their lives online most of the time. Keeping customers engaged will depend on how rich is the customer experience they provide. Marketers should evaluate their digital experience and refine engage customers without producing “digital fatigue”. 

  • Customer experience integrates with other functions

In the report, Gartner predicts that by 2023, a quarter of organizations will see marketing integrated with sales and CX into a single function. The goal is for customer-focused functions to work together with synergy. 

  • Content curation and moderation become more important

By 2024, Gartner predicts a third of organizations will consider moderating user-generated content a priority. Using software and tools that allow companies to monitor, moderate and manage user-generated content to prevent impact on their brands. 

The bottom line

Hopefully, these trends we have aggregated and shared at CodeFuel will help guide your marketing strategy for 2024. Partnering with an expert in monetization can maximize your marketing efforts, and increasing the ROI of your strategy. Start monetizing today with CodeFuel